Connecting People to Jesus




WHY MIDWEEK MATTERS: In the deepest parts of our soul we long for true fellowship with God and with His people.  God created us this way and it is for this fellowship with Him and each other that God has saved us in Christ.  Jesus even prayed specifically for our fellowship together in Him before going to the cross to bring us back into fellowship with God. “I do not ask for these [12 disciples] only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17).  Sunday alone isn’t enough for true discipleship and fellowship.  Midweek helps us live together in the unity of faith that Jesus prayed we would have!

WHAT WE DO AT MIDWEEK: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).  As the church of Jesus has always done from the very beginning, we gather together to break bread (eat), care and pray for one another, grow together in the Word of God, and rejoice in our salvation.

HOW DOES MIDWEEK “WORK?” There is a LOT that goes into making midweek work, and it only works when we as a church make it happen.  Everyone who enjoys midweek volunteers to help out on a regular rotation, so the burden is light!  When you show up for midweek, there will be sign-up sheets for all volunteer positions.  Pick one you’re passionate about!  Or click here to volunteer! “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

Volunteer Now!

DINNER SERVED! (5:30pm-6:30pm) Dinner is available beginning at 5:30pm.  We ask for a $5 donation per person to help basic items on hand and ready.  You can give with cash, check, or through our mobile app.  Our members volunteer to provide and prepare the meals.  Our time of devotion begins at 6:30pm, but if you come a bit late you can always grab a plate and eat during our time of devotion!

DEVOTIONS AND ACTIVITIES FOR ALL AGES (6:30pm – 7:15pm). After our meal together, children in ages ranging from 1 (toddler) through high school will be dismissed for age-appropriate care and devotional activities, while the adults also have a time of Bible-based devotion and fellowship together.  Here is the breakdown of ages for our devotion activity classes:

  • Ages 0-1: Stay with parents in adult devotions.  Don’t be concerned about a fussy little one.  We want them at midweek!  We will have some pack-and-plays and some toys available, and you can always feel free to bring whatever you like to help care for them during our devotional time.
  • Ages 1-2: Will enjoy playtime in their own dedicated play space supervised by parents and volunteer care-givers.
  • Ages 3-5 Preschool: Will enjoy a short age-appropriate Bible lesson followed by an associated craft, game, activity, or free-play in their room.
  • Kindergarten to 1st Grade: Will enjoy a short age-appropriate Bible lesson followed by an associated craft, game, activity, or free-play in their room.
  • 2nd – 6th Grade: Will enjoy a short age-appropriate Bible lesson followed by an associated craft, game, activity, or free-play in the gym.
  • Confirmation & Youth Group: 7th and 8th grade students will have confirmation class every other week during our devotional time at midweek.  During the Wednesdays that 7th and 8th grade students do not have confirmation, they will meet together with the high school students for a joint youth group.  High School students meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm for youth group after 5:30pm dinner.
  • Adult Fellowship: While the kids and youth are off doing their thing, the adults will enjoy a time of devotion together in the word of God, led by our pastors.

ADVENT AND LENT: During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we will continue to serve dinner at 5:30pm, however, instead of our regular midweek devotions and activities, we will enjoy special midweek Advent/Lent worship services together in the Sanctuary.  All children welcome in service!  Confirmation students are required to attend.

If you have any other questions, you can ask us by emailing

We look forward to fellowship with you at Midweek!

Click here to volunteer for Midweek.