Connecting People to Jesus


DAILY DEVOTIONAL – April 30, 2020


“Human Recall Notice


Prayer:  Our Creator God, You made everything perfect.  You made us perfect.  But we confess, that our sin has brought about destruction and death, just as You warned us it would.  Like our first parents Adam and Eve, we have abused the freedom You graciously gave us.  We cannot fix our own brokenness, so we cling tightly to the promise of grace and forgiveness and restoration that You have made in the blood of Your Son Jesus.  Thank You Lord for sending us Your Holy Spirit who daily works to renew our hearts.  Amen.


Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30

28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


Devotion – “Recall Notice”

In today’s world of industrialized mass production and technological advancements that are out pacing many manufacturers ability to ensure quality, there doesn’t seem to be a month that goes by without some major recall on an item we all use and depend on each day.  Most notable of these is when a car manufacturer must issue a recall on their vehicles.  Not only are these recalls some of the most inconvenient to our highly mobile society, but they are also some of the most dangerous with so many lives at risk.

I can’t remember where I originally got this from, I think it was one of those chain emails that goes around.  The email was a mock recall notice…for humans.  I forgot I had saved it and stumbled across it in my email the other day.  When I read it I was reminded of our Lord’s words in Matthew today, “Come to me all who are heavy laden…you will rind rest for your souls.”  We are a broken humanity and only Jesus can fix us, and I think this human recall notice is a witty and applicable illustration that I would like to share with you for our devotional today.  The recall notice said:

The Maker of all human beings, ALPHA & OMEGA CREATIONS, is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.

This defect has been identified as “Sub-sequencing Internal Non-compliance” – more commonly referred to as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

If you are unsure whether or not your human unit is suffering from sub-sequencing internal non-compliance, these are the most common symptoms to look for:

  • Loss of direction
  • Polluted vocal emissions
  • Restlessness in operation
  • Aggressiveness
  • Internal and External miscommunication and confusion
  • An insatiable consumption of non-essential fuels and auxiliary components

It is critical once you become aware of these symptoms that you follow these instructions:

The Manufacturer of all human units, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and services to restore humans to their originally intended and functioning state.

As long as you bring your unit back to ALPHA & OMEGA CREATIONS before your human completely malfunctions and expires, the manufacturer will make all necessary repairs free of charge.  ALPHA & OMEGA’s lead technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost associated with repairing all humans.  The only requirement is to bring your broken human to Jesus.

To schedule an immediate appointment, please call 777-777-REPENT.  Or go to www.repent.god and click on the button that says “S.I.N. Report”.  You will then be able to upload a description of your “Sub-sequencing Internal Non-compliance”

Once your SIN report has been uploaded and received, you will automatically receive all required amounts of grace, and lead technician Jesus has already dispatched the Holy Spirit that will automatically be inserted into the broken heart component, bringing about full restoration.

Once atoned for, your human unit will now operate with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Jesus has also provided a complete operating manual, referred to as the B.I.B.L.E.  Please refer to this manual for every operation of your human subsequent to all repairs.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without the grace and atonement repairs offered by ALPHA & OMEGA CREATIONS voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list, and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded.

Thank you for your attention to this most urgent notice.

No illustration or analogy is perfect when trying to describe the incredible salvation God has provided in Christ our Lord, but I thought this was a fun illustration.  I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a wonderful rest of your day my friends, and remember that God has forgiven yesterday, is with you today and has already taken care of tomorrow.  Amen.