Connecting People to Jesus


The Spirit May 21, 2020

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May 21, 2020

Single 10:30am In-Person Worship & Online (on our website)

We Also Offer Streamed-Only Adult Bible Class at 9:15am (on our YouTube Channel)


Read the full details for Sunday’s single online & in-person service here:

Safety Procedures

How we are keeping you safe in attendance.

In accordance with the state of Nebraska Government Guidelines, here are the steps we are taking to ensure health and safety for in-person worship. Find the state issued document here:

We encourage you to stay home and continue online worship through our Live Stream if:

  • You are sick or show even mild symptoms of being sick, in any way. This includes but is not limited to:
    o Elevated temperature
    o Runny nose
    o Abnormal coughing/sneezing
    o Sore throat
    o Headache
    o Stomachache
    o Body aches
    o Nausea
    o Any symptoms of any kind that may indicate the possibility of any illness.
  • You are “elderly”. We suggest using 70 years or older as a guideline, while taking into consideration the additional, following conditions.
  • People with underlying medical conditions
  • Family members who live with elderly people or those who are at risk
  • People who have access to those at risk in nursing institutions
  • People who have upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms
  • People who live with someone with upper respiratory or flu-like symptoms
  • People with COVID-19 or live with someone with COVID-19
  • People who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19

Personal Protective Measures

What you can and need to do to keep yourself and others safe:

  • Masks: Though we are not requiring it, we encourage you to wear a mask if you desire and are comfortable doing so. Please ensure you know how to properly handle the mask when taking it on and off if you intend to participate in communion during service. Click here for instructions from the World Health Organization.
  • Temperature: We will not be taking temperatures of individuals prior to letting them into the building. In addition to the Nebraska State guidelines not including this in their recommendations, there are a number of other reasons we are refraining from this practice. We do encourage each individual to take their own temperature before coming to worship.
  • Washing and Sterilizing of Hands: Please execute responsible personal hygiene, including a thorough washing of hands, prior to coming to church. We encourage you to wash your hands again upon arrival. Our bathrooms are sanitized and bleached daily, including the night before and morning of service. Hand sanitizer will be available and you are encouraged to apply sanitizer upon entering the sanctuary.
  • Social Distancing: Though we will have indications as to where you can and cannot sit marked off in the pews, you will need to ensure your own personal social distancing from others when entering and moving throughout the building. Please keep 6 feet between yourself and anyone that is not a part of your immediate family or household.

St. Mark Facility Protective Measures

What we are doing to ensure clean and safe facilities:

  • Our entire facility is sterilized with a bleach-based solution. This includes all touchable surfaces such as handles, door knobs and bars, drinking fountains, etc.
  • Our janitorial staff has been re-doubling efforts to keep all bathrooms especially clean and sanitized.
  • All furniture and surfaces in our Gathering Space and in the Sanctuary are cleaned and sanitized daily, and before and after activities/services.
  • Outside of our corporate worship, the 10-person limit on gatherings has been adhered to faithfully, and continues to be.
  • Only people and professionals that have to be in our facility and that are essential staff have been in our facility. All others have not been permitted to enter.

In-Person Worship Specific Protective Measures

What will happen on Sunday specifically to ensure safety:

  • The entire Sanctuary, all surfaces and the upstairs bathrooms will be re-sanitized immediately prior to service.
  • Parking will be limited to the top/north lot along Parker St. The entrance to the south parking lot along Decatur St. will be closed. This is to ensure only one entrance for more effective management.
  • Entrance to the building will be limited and restricted to the east doors; the main entrance closest to Parker St.
  • Handicap Parking and Access is available at the main/east entrance.
  • All doors into and out of the main building and sanctuary will remain open (and monitored) for entrance and exit, or will be opened by a single, designated individual to allow worshiping members and guests to come and go without having to touch doors/handles.
  • Seating Arrangements have been made to ensure 6 feet in every direction between family units (households). Adjustments will have to undoubtedly be made to accommodate this in real time, so we ask that you show up at least 15 minutes early to service to allow our staff to ensure proper seating. You will be seated by an usher/elder, not seating yourself, in order to ensure proper social distancing guidelines are kept.
  • Sunday School, the Nursery, and Childcare will NOT be available. Any children of any age must be with and remain with their parents and immediate family/household for the duration of the service.
  • All Bibles, hymnals, paper products, pens, etc. will be removed from the sanctuary to ensure no items can be passed between or shared by individuals not a part of the same household. You may, of course, bring your own Bible and hymnal and are encouraged to do so!
  • Offerings will be received in a single plate just outside the main entrance to the sanctuary. Please place the offering into the plate without touching the plate.
  • Communion will be offered and served by the Pastor only, beginning after our main live-streamed service. Of course, the Pastor will have thoroughly washed his hands prior to service and will sanitize immediately before handling the elements of the altar.
    o Lines will not be permitted to be formed, and the Pastor will dismiss individuals and households one at a time to ensure enough space for social distancing at the altar.
    o Communion railings have been removed to reduce the amount of surfaces being touched and possibly shared.
  • Communion will be offered until 1:00pm for those of you who would lime to receive communion individually outside of a larger group context.
  • Dismissal from service will be systematic and managed by our ushers/elders. This ensures proper social distancing is kept. We encourage you to keep 6 ft of distance between yourself and any party while socializing with those not in your immediate family or household.

Patience and Faith

The Lord still reigns and will forever reign on high!

This is unfamiliar territory for all of us. Your patience, prayers, support, encouragement and most of all, faith in God above all, are what we need to not only get through this, but even grow in faith and fellowship during this time. Even if you do not plan on attending, keep safe and healthy, and please pray the Lord’s blessings on our efforts to faithfully proclaim the Gospel and keep His house a house of worship in all circumstances.

Please also say a prayer for and give thanks for the incredible staff we have here at St. Mark and the many volunteers who no doubt have been essential in bringing our worship into your homes over live-stream. Our spiritual health and well-being and connectedness to the church is just as important as our physical health, and there are many who have sacrificed much to ensure your church remains strong and faithful in her mission during these difficult times. Pray for them, please.

Whether it be in-person or online, I look forward to worshiping our great and gracious Lord Jesus with you this coming Sunday. The peace of Christ and the hope of His victory over sin, death, and the devil be yours eternally.

Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Jay
Rev. Eric L. Jay





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Also, leave us comments, questions or feedback…
the broadcast will only get better if you join in!

NEXT BROADCAST: Sunday, May 24th, 2020…Part 2 in Our Series on Prayer!

Boomer Radio 9:30 AM • KCRO Radio 10:00 PM

Episode Archive

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Help ensure a readily available blood supply amid COVID-19 outbreak – there are spots still available so sign up today!

With no known end date to the coronavirus fight, the American Red Cross is encouraging healthy individuals to make appointments to donate blood or platelets to ensure blood remains readily available for patients who still rely on transfusions.

The need for blood for trauma patients, children battling cancer, mothers experiencing childbirth complications, patients with sickle cell disease and others continues. Donated blood has a limited shelf life of 42 days for red cells and just five days for platelets, so the supply must constantly be replenished.

Make an appointment
Healthy individuals who are feeling well are asked to make an appointment to donate this May by downloading the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. Donors are asked to schedule an appointment prior to arriving at the drive and are required to wear a face covering or mask while at the drive, in alignment with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention public guidance.

Each Red Cross blood drive and donation center follows the highest standards of safety and infection control, and additional precautions – including social distancing and face coverings for donors and staff – have been implemented to safeguard donors, volunteers and employees.

Thank you for helping keep the blood supply strong this spring.

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If you missed any of our Streaming Services, you can still watch them on in our NEW archive or by downloading the St. Mark App.

Access the services as they are streamed LIVE
via the St Mark App or on our YouTube Channel

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I pray you are being encouraged and edified by how hard our staff and countless volunteers are working to keep our mission and ministry alive here at St. Mark even in these most difficult and strange times.  Please remember that our ability to minister to you from a distance and through technology is an investment we have made, and that needs to be maintained.  If you are unable to deliver your regular tithes and offerings to the church in person, please take the time and small effort to safely and securely remain faithful to Your Lord and His church by giving online.

Setting Up Your Online Giving is Easy!

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We need your help!

Once we reach 1,000 YouTube Subscribers, we can start embedding our streamed services directly on our website. Tell your family and friends… this would really help us get the word out!

Go Here Now and Hit
the RED Subscribe Button

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Hi everyone – hope you are all staying safe and healthy.

As a reminder some of the asked for collections up to this point: January was for scarves, mittens and caps. February was for accessories like necklaces and sunglasses. March was for crafty items and could include Legos/beads. April was for stuffed animals.

For the month of May, the suggestion is hygiene items including toothbrushes, combs, brushes, nail files, wash cloths and bars of soap. Remember we cannot send TOOTHPASTE OR ANY LIQUIDS. If any toothpaste or liquids are received they will be shared with Project Hope.

Also we are always in need of t-shirts that will be used to create jump ropes. Helen has a request for Miro-Lax or Clear-Lax bottles for a special item she is crafting. Please place these items in the collection bin at church if you get the chance.

We would also like to remind all of the seamstresses out there if possible to make some shorts and dresses to add to the shoeboxes.

Thank you,
Rhonda Zebolsky and Helen Oldenkamp

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Mark Your Calendar:

June 14th thru June 18th – GOCO – POSTPONED

Nov 14-15 – NE MS Youth Gathering Grand Island

November 20-22 – NE HS Youth Gathering LaVista

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Band of Brothers will not meet this weekend in observance of Memorial Day weekend. Take a few moments to give thanks for the sacrifices made by so many for the freedoms we enjoy today. Also, keep their families in your prayers. See the Quote of the Week. If you are not receiving Band of Brother email updates and reminders and would like too, please let Jack Swanda know by emailing him at

Verse of the Week: May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father or our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6

Quote of the Week:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Fun Fact of the Week: The myth that eating carrots can help you see in the dark was invented by the British Air Force during WWII. They were trying to explain how British air raids were so successful without telling the Germans about the existence of radar.

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Did You Know You Can Request for Prayers on Our Website? Click Here!

Weekly Prayers

Cancer:  Marsha Baker, Michele Brase, Brad Galde, Ruthie Hagerbaumer, Cindy Kuntz

Health & Wellness:  Mike Fix, Chris Stargel, Evelyn Urbatch, Ella Alberts

Thanksgiving & Praise:  Adaline Christine Oldenkamp, born to Kevin and Jenn Oldenkamp. Great-granddaughter to Helen Oldenkamp.

Military:  Jordan Hammond (Son of Steve and Mary Kay Swale); Zach Karels; Scott Lewis (Linda Wegner’s Cousin); Quenten Oldenkamp; Amber Phipps; Jarod Suhr

To request public Prayers of the Church e-mail Kelly Thompson at For Prayer Chain requests please contact Katrina Muganyizi at 402-238-6844 or email

The Days Ahead

Concordia Academy – Students Remote Learning

Friday, May 22nd
Last Day of Preschool – 4 Year Olds & Pre-K / 5 Year Olds

Saturday, May 23rd
9:00 am  Praise Band Practice – Sanctuary
9:00 am  Band of Brothers – No Meeting in Observance of Memorial Day

Sunday, May 24th
9:30 am  Adult Bible Study – Live Streaming on YouTube and Delayed Viewing Available
9:30 am  The Eternal Connection – St. Mark’s Radio Broadcast Ministry – Boomer Radio
10:30 am  Contemporary Worship Service – Sanctuary
12:00 pm  Communion – Sanctuary
10:00 pm  The Eternal Connection – St. Mark’s Radio Broadcast Ministry – KCRO

Monday, May 25th
Church Office CLOSED in Observance of Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 26th
12:30 pm  Lydia Circle – LWML – On Hold – Email Helen Oldenkamp for Updated Information

Wednesday, May 27th
Nothing Scheduled for Today

Thursday, May 28th
Rebekah Circle – LWML – On Hold – Email Sharon Schmidt for Updated Information
2:15 pm  St. Mark Staff Meeting – Gathering Space

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Rev. Eric Jay, Pastor
Julie Kyriss, Preschool & Childcare Director
Kelly Thompson, Director of Administrative Operations
Kirsten Suhr, Director of Children and Family Ministry
Chip Thompson, Director of Creative Communications
Kirsten Suhr, Administrative Assistant
Daren Clark, Facility Technician
Steve Barry
Doug Doerr
Andy Groothuis
Peter Oldenburg
Mike Ringler
Jack Swanda
Parish Leadership Council
TBA – President
Chuck Kuntz – Vice President
Mike Munderloh – Treasurer
Jolene Scalzo – Secretary
Lisa Buchele
Lisa Hayes
Bruce Sharp
Gale Suhr

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This Week’s Birthdays

Friday, May 22nd
Timothy Hallberg
Sonia Nelson

Sunday, May 24th
Sydney Adams
Rita Boetcher
Elizabeth Herber
Peter Oldenburg

Monday, May 25th
Tammy Anderson

Tuesday, May 26th
Alice Penke
Sharon Schmidt
BJ Westhoff

Wednesday, May 27th
Hannah Beber
Terry Venteicher
Pat Hofer

Thursday, May 28th
Lorrie Wacker
Sharon Wahl

This Week’s Anniversaries

Tuesday, May 26th
George & Stephanie Krijan
*41 Years

Wednesday, May 27th
Stephen & Jeanette Augustyn
*14 Years
Doug & Tonya Isaac
*25 Years

Next Week’s Birthdays

Friday, May 29th
Bryce Blair

Saturday, May 30th
Jeanette Augustyn
Sharla Kurz
Kelly Volksen

Sunday, May 31st
Sherilyn Godden
Justin Traefald

Monday, June 1st
Mary Kay Swale

Tuesday, June 2nd
Samuel Muganyizi
Avery Rygol
Grant Siekman

Wednesday, June 3rd
Ollie Weber

Thursday, June 4th
McKenzie Deckard
Cleone Rusie
Denise Steckelberg

Next Week’s Anniversaries

Monday, June 1st
Louie & Sandra James
*29 Years
Evan & Carissa Johnson
*7 Years
Bernie & Kayla Lawton
*1 Year

Wednesday, June 3rd
Chad & Riley Meyer
*20 Years

Thursday, June 4th
Carla & James Nichols
*26 Years



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